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Jeff Hopp, LAT, ATC

Chair (GA)


Lizzie Hibberd, PhD, LAT, ATC

Member (AL)


Matt Sabin, PhD, LAT, ATC

Member (FL)


Amanda Tritsch, PhD, LAT, ATC

Member (KY)


Richard Frazee, LAT, ATC

Member (FL)

Scott Byrd, LAT, ATC

Member (TN)


Donna Wesley, MS, LAT, ATC

Member (AL)


Board Liaison:  VP Jeff Hopp




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A) Composition (5 members). The Symposium Oversight Workgroup is made up of the following sub-committees chairs and individuals: Hall of Fame, Honors and Awards, Corporate Partnership, and Research and Education. SEATA Officers serve as ex officio members.


B) Chair: The workgroup chair shall be the SEATA Vice-President.


C) Purpose. To stage an educational sound, fiscally responsible, successful Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium & Members Meeting.


D) Duties:

i) Review past meeting.

ii) Help secure upcoming hotel contracts.

iii) Review expenditures from past meeting.

iv) Meet with Executive Board at NATA annual meeting.

v) Work with Site Selection Committee to acquire the best hotel site for future meetings.

vi) Work with Research and Education Committee to provide outstanding educational programming.

vii) Order member gifts for Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium & Members Meeting.

viii) Acquire and confirm Presidential Lecturer.

ix) Contact Committee Chairs to get meeting space requests for Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium & Members Meeting.

x) Set up Past Director’s/Hall of Fame Breakfast, Tim Kerin Memorial Awards Luncheon, and Hall of Fame Reception

xi) Set up rooming list.

xii) Set up meal plans.

xiii) Review plans from all sub-committees

xiv) Finalize all meeting plans.

xv) Attend Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium & Members Meeting and meet with Executive Board at meeting.


E) Polices: Committee members shall adhere to the general SEATA committee policies as stated in Section II.C.

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