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Committee Structure


Categorization of SEATA Committees/Support Groups shall be structured and compliant with NATA and/or SEATA policies & procedures. Categorization for each SEATA Organization Support Group is as follows and as specified below:




NATA based committees with an appointed District IX Representative only.  


Several of NATA's committees are composed of a representative from each district, plus a number of at-large members as applicable. Most committee members serve one-year terms renewable up to a total of four year of service (or as NATA policy). Districts conduct their own recruitment processes for their representatives.  The application process occurs in August and September for positions opening the following June. A SEATA member shall be appointed by the District Director to represent District IX members on the respective NATA Committee.  As these committees are NATA based, they are exempt from state representation in SEATA.




NATA based committees with a corresponding District Sub-Committee in SEATA. 


These SEATA organization support groups serve as sub-committees to their corresponding NATA committee and have specific roles and responsibilities to both NATA and SEATA.  Each of these committees shall have at least one representative from each state in District IX and a duly appointed SEATA Sub-Committee Chair.  The SEATA Sub-Committee Chair shall also serve as the District IX Representative and member of the respective NATA Committee.   




SEATA Committees with a member from each State. 


These state based committees in SEATA have specific roles and responsibilities as a SEATA Organization Support Group and do not function in relation to any specific NATA committee/council.  Each of these committees shall have one representative from each state, of which, one shall be appointed as Chair.




SEATA Committees with appointed members. 


These organization support groups/taskforces have specific roles and responsibilities within SEATA and do not function in relation to any specific NATA committee/council.  As these committees are SEATA event/function based, they are exempt from requiring that each state have representation on the committee.  Each Tier 4 Committee shal consist of a chair and a few identified members as needed to ensure completion of the committee's/groups roles and responsibilities.

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