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Danielle Platt, DAT, LAT, ATC

Chair (FL)


Peggy Bratt, ATC

Facebook Coordinator (TN)


​Paul Higgs, ATC

Listserve Coordinator (GA)


​Jaclyn Donovan, ATC

Member (GA)


​Amanda Jarriel, PhD, LAT, ATC

Member (GA)


Sharri H. Jackson, NATA Honorary Member

Website Coordinator (IN)



Board Liaison:  SEC Danielle Platt


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1. SEATA Workgroup

a) Composition (4 members). This workgroup shall be composed of the SEATA Secretary, SEATA Webmaster and up to two additional members, as determined based upon need of the chair and Executive Board.


b) Chair: The workgroup chair shall be the SEATA Secretary.


c) Purpose. To disseminate professional information to the members of SEATA by use of the SEATA Newsletter, SEATA eblasts News, SEATA Discussion Forum, SEATA List Serve, SEATA website, email and the Internet.


d) Duties.

i) Requests information and news from all SEATA officers, state presidents and committee chairs for inclusion in SEATA Newsletter, SEATA eblasts News and SEATA website.

ii) Prepares the SEATA Newsletter and coordinates publication on the SEATA website with webmaster and distribution via email with the SEATA group email coordinator.

iii) Prepares the SEATA eblast News and coordinates publication on the SEATA website with webmaster and distribution via email with the SEATA group email coordinator.

iv) Evaluates needs of the association regarding web hosting, group email, and discussion boards, and other means of electronic communications and provides recommendation to the Executive Board.

v) Secures web hosting services, group email, discussion boards, and other means of electronic communications.

vi) Organization and content of SEATA website.

vii) Updating the SEATA website within 24-48 hours of being provided new information.

viii) Promotion of all SEATA activities, meetings, and elections via SEATA website, SEATA eblast News, SEATA Newsletter, SEATA Discussion Forum, SEATA List Serve and other means of electronic communications.

ix) Organization and updating of SEATA email system and email groups.

x) Distribution of SEATA Newsletter and SEATA eblast News via email.

xi) Organization and storage of SEATA records in web directories.

xii) Moderation of SEATA Discussion Forum and other SEATA related online forums and blogs.

xiii) SEATA members who wish to subscribe to the discussion forum should subscribe via discussion forum instructions posted on the discussion board. Moderator(s) are charged with reviewing all posts and may delete inappropriate posts as well as delete members who fail to follow the posted procedures.

xiv) Moderation of SEATA List Serve.

xv) SEATA members who wish to subscribe to the list should send a blank email to At that site, they are asked for their name and email address. The system will verify their address with a test email. At this same site, they can unsubscribe from the list. To set up full access to the list serve website, including online documents, member information, and an archive of past posted messages, members should go to A monthly help file will be distributed each month with information regarding the list serve.


e) Polices: Committee members shall adhere to the general SEATA committee policies as stated in Section II.C.


The Southeast Athletic Trainers' Association (SEATA) is District IX of the National Athletic Trainers' Association.  It is a not-for-profit organization dealing with the concerns of its members and the profession of athletic training as a whole.  This association was first started back in 1950.  Initially comprised of the members of the Southeastern Conference schools, this district is represented by Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.



PO Box# 158

Richmond KY 40476-0158


SEATA Privacy Policy

SEATA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, military status, sexual orientation, or age.  SEATA is committed to accessibility and nondiscrimination in all aspects of its continuing education activities.  Participants who have special needs are encouraged to contact the program organizers so that all reasonable efforts to accommodate these needs can be made.

Proudly created and managed by Sharri H Jackson

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