Karen Lew Feirman, DHSc, LAT, ATC
Co-Chair (FL)
Patricia M. Tripp, PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS
Co-Chair (FL)
R.T. Floyd, EdD, LAT, ATC, CSCS
Competencies Coordinator (AL)
​Karen Straub Stanton, PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS, NREMTB
Research Coordinator (AL)
Christopher D. Brown, PhD, LAT, ATC, CSCS, OPE-C
Lab Coordinator (FL)
Board Liaison: VP Jeff Hopp, LAT, ATC
1. SEATA Workgroup
a) Composition (5 members). One workgroup chair and four appointed positions/chairs (Faculty Coordinator, Laboratory Coordinator, Competencies Coordinator, and the Corporate Partner Chair). Additional members may be added as determined based upon need of the chair and/or Executive Board.
b) Chair. The workgroup chair shall be selected by the SEATA President, in consultation with the SEATA Officers, State President(s), and/or committee members, and approved by the Executive Board.
c) Purpose. To develop, plan, and coordinate an educationally sound, fiscally responsible, successful annual Athletic Training Student Symposium.
d) Duties.
i) Review past meeting.
ii) Help secure upcoming hotel contracts.
iii) Review expenditures from past meeting.
iv) Work with Site Selection Committee to acquire the best hotel site for future meetings.
v) Secure faculty and make all arrangements to address the needs of the faculty relative to their presentation.
vi) Issue and collect speaker agreement forms and materials for all SEATA Athletic Training Student Symposium faculty.
vii) Follow-up as needed with the Treasurer to ensure that all expenses relative to faculty are handled appropriately.
viii) Provide the SEATA Athletic Training Student Symposium program agenda in a timely manner to the Secretary and webmaster for distribution to the membership and publication to the SEATA website.
ix) Make appropriate contacts with NATA national office for publicity regarding the meeting in eblasts and NATA News.
x) Meet with Executive Board at Annual SEATA Clinical Symposium & Members Meeting.
xi) Set up rooming list.
xii) Set up meal plans.
xiii) Review plans from all sub-committees.
xiv) Finalize all meeting plans.
e) Polices: Committee members shall adhere to the general SEATA committee policies as stated in Section II.C.